If cultural differences are ignored, ways of thinking are not understood, and manners are regarded as secondary, conflict potential can develop. Often it is no longer possible to understand how the conflict came about and the damage is often irreparable. Now it is important to avoid risks that arise due to cultural differences and a lack of know-how. On the contrary, synergy potentials and opportunities in multinational cooperation should be used creatively and effectively, taking into account country-specific characteristics.
Acting successfully and appropriately with people from other cultures – Diversity
295 € / On site
plus tax
Gewerbepark Liederkamp
Höchster Strasse 70
65835 Liederbach
T +49 (0)69 9494 312 00
E info@traininstinct-company.de
A larger public parking area is located about 200m from the building.
Address for the navigation system is 65835 Liederbach “Am Wehr”.
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