salesInstinct.® Offer management

Skillfully follow up on offers and bring them to a conclusion

Training description

Offers are the orders of tomorrow, every sales employee knows that. Nevertheless, quotation management is not always used optimally. In this training, you will learn how to effectively follow up on offers and close them.


How do your offers work today, where can you still improve and what is the best way to proceed when you contact the customer again? These questions are worked on intensively and so you gain new ideas and increase your turnover.

Interesting for

  • Employees from the internal sales department
  • Customer service
  • Sales assistance
  • Indoor sales representative
  • Salespersons from the field service
  • Self-employed

Training goals

  • You can specifically identify the needs of your customers and know what is important in the individual preparation of an offer.
  • You can actively recognise how your offer is accepted through a constructive conversation with your customer
  • You know your customer benefit
  • You train your conversation skills and thus increase your chances of closing a deal.

Methods / on site and live online

  • Trainer short presentations
  • Discussion rounds
  • Group work
  • Case studies from practice
  • Feedback talks
  • Exercises


Offer management

Skillfully follow up on offers and bring them to a conclusion

345 € / On site
plus tax


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